Saturday, 28 May 2005

Re: I wasn't pushed - I jumped!

From: Dave Chick 
Date: Sat, 28 May 2005 13:55:28 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: Re: I WASN'T PUSHED - I JUMPED!

Mr O'connor

You use, abuse, and ignore countless decent people who have made f4j
what it is (although you really are losing the plot of late). Your
slagging off of Graham Manson, particularly the bit about him not
having any children of his own, shows you to be a very
sick man as well as the above mentioned. You did good early
days but now you are just a liability causing more damage than
good, its time for you to hand the reigns over to someone who
can remain focused on the job in hand, rather than you
drag the whole fathers / children‚s rights movement back to
where it was before f4j began. Where is all the money going?
how much of it have you wasted on alcohol and other
things for yourself? What did you do with the thousands I gave to
f4j and what did you do with the 5 figure donation in 2003. On
top of that you showed up at the last day of my trial pissed -
do the right thing, better late than never and move aside.

Dave Chick

Re: I wasn't pushed - I jumped

Date: Sat, 28 May 2005 01:11:51 +0100


I'm glad that you have been able to see the light at long last

When I was advocating what you have said below and a lot
more in the middle of last year F4J members just rubbished
me saying it was `sour grapes' and I was full of shit. I
am still waiting for these scumbags to say it to my face and
they will have the opportunity again on the 17th, but they
won't cos they know I was right. Those who said that are only
in it for themselves or too busy getting stoned on F4J demos
and it being swept under the carpet. Those dead beat dads
amongst us are a liability to our cause & to every decent parent
and grandparent who at one time believed F4J was a good thing. 
Not only as the egotistics and drug addicts of the Fascists, sorry,
Fathers 4 Justice let the respectable members of the organization
down they have also let our children down.

F4J could have brought about something really good but not for
certain personalities, whom I don't have to mention, it as
failed. Well done you pricks and shame on you. Tick tock tick
tock time is running out Matt & co.

I'm off to America tomorrow for a nice little holiday and to
spread the word about the real F4J and to pass the word round not to
send money to Matt or F4J because nobody knows where it goes. 
Remember in April 2003 at the meeting in Bristol when Matt told
us that the organization had received a `5 figure donation'
well that was not declared through companies house and not on
F4J's accounts. What are you doing with the money Matt?

How is your own company doing!

Matt is a liability folks and can't be trusted and at long last
people are starting to see through him. We can't have a dead
beat dad in charge of this organization and it is up to you, the
members to do something about it. If I was you I would hit Matt
where it hurts and that's his pocket and cancel your membership
but remain a supporter of the aims of F4J. The arsehole won't
even get on a roof himself but instead wants ordinary members
to do it and when they go to prison just fucks them off. Come
`ed folks wake up to him and stop being used.

To the tune of `London Bridge is falling down' : `F4J is
falling down falling down falling down. F4J is falling down poor
old Matty'.

Take care and see you on the 17th.


PS Has anyone seen some ladies £500!

Friday, 27 May 2005

Re: I'm off too...

From: Michael 
Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 23:39:00 +0100
Subject: Re: I'm off too...


Thanks for replying so quickly. The argument you bring
forward with regards to Matt's talent and contribution is
without a doubt true. Only a fool would argue that F4J
would have got as far as it has without Matt.

Nevertheless we are dealing with people's life and that of
their children and their aspirations. We are very close to
the Promised Land. We came a long way and contributing
it solely to Matt as if he is God is in my view a mistake. Many
people, good people put much effort to this assent including
you and the brave act you committed. It wasn't one man, it
was our willingness to do his bidding without questioning,
without thinking about ourselves and consequences of our
actions first. There are many good men in this organisation
who had laboured behind the scene, risking their livelihood
and freedom as we witness recently and had little credit for
their endeavours, little rewards and little in return when you
considering the fact that some individuals in the top F4J had
never done more then risking their launch appointments.

Further, it is not accepted that other individuals are caught with
their hands in the till, and Matt is trying to silence those of had
the decency and courage to bring this mater to the attention of
the group. In addition, he smears them with allegations that
they are `working for the enemy, the press'. If Chris
Hawkins does work for the press, at least he doses his job properly
by exposing corruption and wrong doings sussesfully.

History teaches us that leaders who cannot be questioned or
challenged do commit mistakes and worse, start believing in
their own immortality. Well, sadly none of us is irreplaceable
including me, you and Matt.

I will have no part in what I consider to be wrong or worse
corruption and bullyboy tactics.

Take care and I hope you get to see your kids soon as I wish
it for the rest of us too.


I wasn't pushed - I jumped

From: Graham 
Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 20:55:38 +0100
To: Matthew O'Connor 

Dear All

I don't take kindly to people telling lies about me so this is my
response to Matt O'Connor's e-mail posted earlier.

We've come a long way in this campaign - too long to let it
be destroyed by a corrupt dishonest despot and his sidekick.

For the record I wasn't kicked out of Fathers4Justice today, I
left yesterday the moment I learned Jeff Skinner and Chris Hawkins
had been expelled for whistle-blowing the shameful behaviour
of Jason Hatch. Behaviour that our leader hoped he could brush
under the carpet. Those of you know them, know Chris and
Jeff to be dedicated activists of the utmost integrity and will
not be convinced by the vile accusations of Mr.O'Connor.

We've heard these type of accusations before - it's all starting
to sound too familiar now.

The last time I read lies about myself was in the family court.
I never expected to read them in F4J. Far from being 'dismissed'
- a drunken Matt O'Connor begged me to stay this morning and
I told him where to go. This only confirms to me I've done the
right thing. It also casts doubt on everything this man has ever
told me regarding the ambiguous expulsion of so many of our
numbers, people who gave their time and energy to changing
the law in this country, not motivated by greed and
self-glorification but by the genuine belief that what they were
doing was right. Our motto is 'Truth, Justice and Equality in
family law and it's about time we extended that to include
Fathers4Justice itself.

No-one has been prouder than I to be part of this organisation.
It gave me a reason to live when my reason for living was taken
away. I will always be grateful for that. Nevertheless, I will no
longer tolerate the bullshit, double-standards, hypocrisy and
mis-management which has become a way of life for our so-
called 'management team'. Our members get enough of that
in the family courts - they certainly don't expect it from us.

Chris Hawkins and Jeff Skinner - my hat is off to you both.
Thankyou for having the courage of your convictions, and
whether or not you're both undercover journalists working
for Granada, I'm glad you had the balls to speak out.

Jenny Bostock - unlike the rest of us, your hands are tied. I
will miss you, Jenny.

Matt O'Connor - don't you dare threaten me with civil, criminal
or any other type of action - Have some dignity and walk away
from me like I am walking away from you. Shame on you.

Graham Manson.