Hello Mate,
Don't know what part of the Country you are in, but if your kids are in Seend, are you near there too?
There's a meeting taking place in Bristol on Mon 28 June if you fancy doing something.
One thought that came to my mind which would put you in the very front of your kids minds would be to do a protest on the roof of Judge Thorpe's gaff in Seend. Quite high up, but a good ladder would get you up and you could take your time doing it. Might be able to find another one or two to join you.
Have a couple of banners with messages to your kids, add something about Thorpe's courts not helping you or them.
Need to be up all day/into the evening or more if you can, best go on a Friday as he'll be coming home from the RCJ to it and weekend papers are usually looking for stories,